*How much will my taxes increase because of this?
In simple terms, the owner of an average home worth $150,000 will pay about $43 per year--a little less than $4 a month to have this $8 million facility available to the public. An owner of a home worth $250,000 will see a tax increase of about $70 per year, which figures to about $6 per month. A portion of this money is to pay the building debt; another portion is for the operation and maintenance of the facility. When county residents share the cost, it makes a beautiful facility affordable for everyone.
* What is wrong with the pool that we already have in Roosevelt?
The current pool is nearly 30 years old. There are a lot of safety issues such as the cement decks are uneven, tiles are crumbling, drains are cracking, and the pumps are not pulling like they should. A lot of money is going into it yearly just for repairs. Roosevelt City will most likely need to build a new pool in the near future anyway because of this, but it will still be a small, seasonal pool like the current one. Now is the time to get a nice indoor/outdoor swimming pool that will be enjoyed for many years to come.
* Why do this now when the economy is down?
Now is the perfect time! Construction costs are lower than they have been in the past. This will give work to those in the construction business now and will also offer more jobs in the future to run it. The economy won't be down forever; it will turn back up. The new facility will also help keep money in our county which will boost our local economy. If we wait and Roosevelt City builds a pool that is smaller and only seasonal, it will be too late to get one indoors; the aquatic center that has been proposed will never happen.
* What is all included in the facility?
The aquatic center will have three major components. First, will be an indoor, 25-yard, 6-lane lap pool. A 3-meter high dive and 1 meter board are planned to be included with this pool. Starting blocks for future competitive swimming will also be installed. Besides easy step entry, the pool will have a chair lift for handicap access.
The second component, a therapy pool, will also be housed indoors. This pool will be about 15 yards in length and about 20 feet in width. This pool will have a step and ramp entry. This pool will run at warmer temperatures, have hand railings to aid patients and also an area with spa jets. Both of these pools will be available year-round.
The third component of the aquatic center will be the outdoor leisure pool. This pool will be open from Memorial Day through Labor Day. It will be approximately 5,000 sq. feet and have a zero entry (beach entry). In the shallow area a large play structure for children and deck jets will be installed. Two slides and a current channel are planned for this pool. It will also have a ramp for handicap access. A large, spacious deck is planned with three shaded pavilions.
Some other features planned for this center include: three family dressing rooms allowing parents with small children the opportunity to change for swimming together in a private room, an indoor spectator area, an indoor party room available for rental having access to the outdoor and indoor pools; it will have tables, refrigerator and microwave oven available. In the lobby area will be an activity room. This may be used for instruction, possible yoga or exercise class, or may house ping-pong tables, air hockey or foosball tables. Future use has not yet been determined. The pool floors will be slightly padded with the latest Mrytha lining--really nice on tender feet and children's knees when they take a fall.
* What part is indoors? What will be open during the winter?
The 25-yard, 6-lane lap pool that has a 3-meter high dive and 1 meter board in addition to the therapy pool will be available year-round.
* Where will this be built?
The currently proposed site is just west of the Roosevelt City pool. If it is built there, then the old pool will eventually become a parking area for the new facility, thus helping to lessen the number of cars parked along the street.
* I live in Altamont, why should I vote for this?
Although the pool will likely be built in Roosevelt, it is still a county pool. The current pool's patrons are split about 50/50 between county residents and Roosevelt residents. This figure shows us that it isn't just Roosevelt residents who are using the pool and that many throughout the county are using it too. We hope that everybody in Duchesne County will want to use this beautiful facility and your vote will help make it happen for all to enjoy.
* When will this swimming pool open?
If the bond is passed, construction on this facility can feasibly begin right away. The indoor portion can be open as early as late next year. While the outdoor portion most likely wouldn't be usable until the summer of 2012.
* This sounds amazing! What can I do to make sure we get this center in our county?
Vote YES on the bond on November 2